Halloween in ČB
TOP Events - a recommended event in České Budějovice
Date of event
25. 10. 2018, 1700 — 25. 10. 2018, 1900
Vodárenská věž
Mánesova 41/6, České Budějovice, 37001
New: Fire performance at 17.20, 17.45, 18.00 and 18.15.
You will go by candlelight through the park around the Water Tower. The final site will be on the ground floor of the tower. Entrance to the area is only possible from Mánes Street. The entry from the parking lot at the stadium will be locked.
Again, we do not want any bleeding, ghosts will be friendly. We do not want to cause nightmares in children. If you are expecting to be afraid of fear, you better stay at home!
Suitable for children from 2 to 10 years old.
Capacity is 80 children / half an hour.
To the ghosts!
Our tip: dress up children in scary costumes, enjoy the whole event. The best masks will be rewarded.
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